Tuesday, March 1, 2011

American idiots you have been voted off the island

Ile d’Ngor gets its own post. So some folks decided it’d be lots of fun to take a weekend in a beach house they found at Ile d’Ngor. First, let’s discuss how you get to the island. Terrifying. It’s this extra long dinky boat canoe thing with like 60 people in it. As my Dad read: it’s like a car rapide for the water. I had a crap ton of stuff with me so if our boat had capsized I would have sunk like a rock. YAY ME! Luckily the boat ride was only like 7 minutes. We get to the beach and wait for someone who had arrived earlier to come find us. The house walks out right onto the beach. This house is amazing. We have a front porch and a living room and several bedrooms. Two bathrooms and….a shared kitchen??? Uh oh. So the folks planning this trip thought hey we can pay less if we split the cost between more people. I like their logic. However, what we did not plan for is that we would have a shared kitchen and that the people who owned the place actually lived right out back. Awkward. We had like 18 people at the house which was only supposed to hold 8. Whoops! So they spoke to us that night and said we needed to be out by the next day. By noon. Morning comes and that changes too. We have to be out by 11am. We were all a little disappointed because we got to cook food we actually wanted to eat and we got to party it up a little. But morning came, we cleaned the house and shipped out. Luckily, Imani and Ali got us the rest of our money back! So it all worked out eventually. We spent the day on the beach (which we had to pay for a spot which is complete bullshit you know that guy don’t own this beach!). It was beautiful weather and there was a great little shack with cheap sandwiches.

We returned to the mainland a little sad but Alison saved the day for a group of us. We all got to cook at her house then a couple of us went out to this little dive bar in Ouakam and played cards. It wasn’t the island but I thought it was fun. I came home Sunday and didn’t do anything spectacular besides a spectacular nap which lead to a less spectacular night of sleep.

PS it’s getting EFFING hot in Senegal. YUCK!

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